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Most recent comments on things by Peter Whish-Wilson
- Bill Thomson: If you listened to wildlife biologist experts like Nick Mooney, you'd know there's abundant evidence that devils thrive in mine lease precincts. (11 November 2020)
Read comment | All by this user - Bill Thomson: People need to get a grip and realise how drilling and seismic surveys have crisscrossed Bass Strait for well over half a century, delivering enormous wealth and invaluable energy... (3 September 2020)
Read comment | All by this user - Bill Thomson: It's a bit rich to open with a quote about liars then omit the rather salient fact that there is a magnetite mine - just like Riley will be, only much bigger - right in the middle of the "so... (2 September 2020)
Read comment | All by this user - Charlie Schroeder: Hear, Hear. Time we all got real and didn't just see the forested areas of Australia as timber for a rapine industry that cares for nothing but money. Or governments that see themselves and their... (11 June 2020)
Read comment | All by this user - Mark Duffett: Renewable energy "too successful"?? How has it been successful in anything other than propagating itself? It's done bugger all to reduce emissions, and it sure as hell hasn't been successful in... (15 February 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Charlie Schroeder: The incumbent Prime Minister and his Minister for Mining, erroneously labelled Minister for the Environment. Are following the previous Labor governments policies of allowing entry for any... (20 August 2015)
Read comment | All by this user - Bill Thomson: "could see around 80 per cent of the region opened up to mining and exploration"? The region has been open to mining and exploration for well over a century! Yet it's still considered worthy of... (10 October 2012)
Read comment | All by this user - Bill Thomson: Senator Whish-Wilson might know something about mining, but he clearly knows nothing about exploration. His use of '58 exploration licences over the Tarkine' to question 'whether there will be... (10 October 2012)
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