House debates

Monday, 19 June 2006

Questions to the Speaker

Parliament House: Signage

3:07 pm

Photo of Duncan KerrDuncan Kerr (Denison, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Mr Speaker, on quite a different matter, I wonder whether you might make an inquiry and report to the House on the reason for the sign which appears in the area where parliamentarians assembled this morning to respond to the fire drill. It is towards the city end of this building and says that photography is prohibited. It struck me as an extraordinary sign to have on Parliament House, a building which is probably the most photographed symbol of the nation and where photographs depicting this building in great detail are for sale and on public display in our bookshop. I wonder whether you might make some inquiries. It was the first time I had seen that sign, but it is a large and prominent one and it certainly disturbed me. I am not aware of any direction that you have given that would prohibit the public from taking photographs of this building.


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