House debates

Thursday, 2 November 2006

Statements by Members

Active After-School Communities Program

9:45 am

Photo of John ForrestJohn Forrest (Mallee, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

I know Mr Quick is acquainted with Rainbow, having been born and raised there. We are hoping that with some publicity we will encourage more schools to participate in this program. It is going to give increased opportunities for inclusive participation in quality, safe and fun structured physical activities, especially after school. One of the great challenges today is obesity—it is a huge challenge, especially with children of a younger age. This program will enhance attention on health and vigorous activity in youngsters, so that they are less of a burden when they get to our age—our generation having not learnt soundly the need for vigorous physical activity. I commend those schools. I wish Murray McKenzie all the best. He has taken on a huge challenge and I look forward to opportunities to play some more tennis, football or netball with the youngsters, to give them the encouragement they deserve.


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