House debates

Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Crimes Amendment (Bail and Sentencing) Bill 2006

Consideration in Detail

5:55 pm

Photo of Nicola RoxonNicola Roxon (Gellibrand, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Attorney-General) Share this | Hansard source

I have one more question. It might be more convenient for the Attorney to deal with all of the issues at once. I should have said in our objection to the forensic procedures amendments that are being moved that I would ask in the response whether the Attorney would consider sending those provisions back to the Senate committee. He has, after all, said at other times that the work of the Senate committee has been helpful in being able to advise and improve the laws. We have not had the benefit of their wisdom on these provisions, although we have taken up their time in the others and the government has largely in this case ignored their recommendations. However, it does seem that, if we were going to take the opportunity to make these laws as good as we could, the Attorney might consider referring those provisions to the Senate committee. I do not believe that there is any desperate urgency in this bill being passed today, and I would ask in his response that he consider whether he would agree to that reference.


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