House debates

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Yogyakarta Aircraft Accident

Debate resumed from 20 March, on motion by Mr Howard:

That the House:

record its deep regret at the tragic loss of life and serious injuries that resulted from the aircraft accident in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on 7 March 2007;
note that amongst the 21 people killed were 5 Australians serving their nation, working for:the Australian Federal Police—Mark Scott and Brice Steele;the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade—Liz O’Neill;AusAid—Alison Sudradjat;and the Fairfax Press—Morgan Mellish;and record its deep appreciation of their meritorious public service;
tender its profound sympathy to the Government and people of Indonesia, and to the families of all the people killed and injured in the accident; and
extend its best wishes to all those injured for a speedy recovery, recalling particularly Cynthia Banham, Michael Hatton, Kyle Quinlan and Roger Tallboys,


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