House debates
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
3:41 pm
Tony Abbott (Warringah, Liberal Party, Leader of the House) Share this | Hansard source
Documents are tabled as listed in the schedule circulated to honourable members. Details of the documents will be recorded in the
That the House take note of the following documents:Charter of Budget Honesty Act—Intergenerational Report for 2007.Commission of inquiry into certain Australian companies in relation to the UN Oil-for-Food Programme—Report of Commissioner, the Hon TRH Cole, AO, RFD, QC—Government response.Productivity Commission—Report No. 40—Review of price regulation of airport services—Government response.Regional Forest Agreement between the Commonwealth and Tasmania—Variation, 23 February 2007.
Debate (on motion by Mr Crean) adjourned.
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