House debates
Monday, 18 June 2007
Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2007-2008
Consideration in Detail
6:42 pm
Tony Smith (Casey, Liberal Party, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source
that he would have to take it all up here. The Prime Minister has addressed all of these issues in great detail. I will finish where I started on this. The more the member for Grayndler talks, the more he confirms that those opposite have no serious policy plans for the Australian public. We know that the member for Grayndler has been spending all of his time researching catering menus around Sydney. We are sure that he is an expert in that field and we are sure that he and some of his colleagues have spent every minute of every day researching various menus for various catering facilities. But the issues he raised have been answered. He cannot hide his complete hypocrisy on this issue—his failure to mention former minister Graham Richardson, former Prime Minister Bob Hawke and their outrageous fundraising and attempt to avoid disclosure at that time, with hundreds of thousands of dollars. As we have discovered tonight, the member for Fraser was the campaign director of the Labor Party at that time. It simply does not wash.
The member for Fraser has asked a whole host of questions. Many of those questions have been asked and fully answered in the House. To the extent that any new information can be provided, it will be provided—and he knows that. This whole issue speaks for itself. I am sure he will have further questions. I thought he would have raised them today in the parliament or at his morning doorstop interview, but of course he did not. He has asked all of his questions and, to the extent that any information can be provided, it will be provided.
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