House debates
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Questions to the Speaker
3:25 pm
Anthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Opposition Business in the House) Share this | Hansard source
Mr Speaker, my question to you relates to an article in the Australian on 1 May 2007 entitled ‘Bishop’s last crack at Speaker’s chair’. In this article, Mrs Bishop’s spokesperson is quoted as confirming that she wanted the Speaker’s chair if the coalition won the election:
“That is first and foremost in her mind,” he said.
Mr Speaker, I refer you to pages 195-197 of House of Representatives Practice and to a previous occasion on which the issue was raised of whether indeed there had been a breach of privilege against the high office of the Speaker. That comes from a question on page 844 of the Hansard of 5 March 1992, from the member for Bennelong to the then Speaker, the member for Grayndler. The comments are on privilege—
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