House debates
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Questions to the Speaker
3:25 pm
Anthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Opposition Business in the House) Share this | Hansard source
On the matter of privilege: on 5 March 1992 the member for New England made a submission that I draw to your attention, which was the following about the then Speaker. I am asking whether this should be referred to the Privileges Committee. I quote:
… first, there is a matter of deals and an allegation that deals affecting your position are implied, suggested or impugned against the integrity of your high office; secondly, there is a hint of no-confidence in your own capability … and, thirdly, the whole nature and character of any challenge against you is one which really threatens very much the capacity you would have to impartially administer the rules and the Standing Orders of this Parliament.
Given that this was the view of the now Prime Minister, the member for Bennelong, and the member for New England, can you examine the article regarding the member for Mackellar’s hunting down of your position and make a decision over whether it should be referred to the Privileges Committee?
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