House debates

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Questions without Notice

Schools: Computers

2:44 pm

Photo of Julia GillardJulia Gillard (Lalor, Australian Labor Party, Deputy Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I certainly will, Mr Speaker. I was just hoping to offer a little bit of encouragement along the way. On the question that the member asks about computers in schools, the government’s policy is absolutely clear. We are delivering now a $1.2 billion investment in computers in schools. Have a look at the budget papers; you will see it there. That $1.2 billion investment in schools includes $100 million which will be delivered before the end of this financial year. On the question of the partnership with the states ensuring that computers are in settings where they can be used, at the last meeting of the Ministerial Council for Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, MCEETYA, a resolution was adopted unanimously by the ministers who met there on partnership and cooperation about the digital education revolution. Of course, what the government is trying to achieve here—which is something, I understand, that members opposite must be opposed to from the way that they are calling out—is to invest in upper secondary schools, years 9 to 12, to ensure—


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