House debates

Monday, 15 September 2008

Private Members’ Business

British Pensions

Debate resumed, on motion by Ms Rishworth:

That the House

notes with concern, the previous Government’s termination of Australia’s Social Security Agreement with the United Kingdom in March 2001;
that the termination of this agreement led to a lost opportunity for the previous Australian Government to negotiate indexation of the British pension for those British migrants living in Australia;
that many British pensioners made substantial contributions to the United Kingdom’s National Insurance system but many have not received an increase in their British pension for a decade, and as a result their payment has not kept up with the cost of living; and
that the United Kingdom has entered into social security agreements that include pension indexation with many other nations, including the United States, Israel and Switzerland;
calls on the Commonwealth Government to commence negotiations for a new social security agreement with the United Kingdom that includes provisions for the indexation of British pensions.


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