House debates
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Questions without Notice
Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program
3:26 pm
Jenny Macklin (Jagajaga, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs) Share this | Hansard source
As I was saying, the reason they do not want to hear that 102 houses have been built since the last election is that, when they were last in government, in 2004-05 there were 94 houses built and in 2005-06 only 51 houses were built. These are the relevant comparisons for how many houses were built over a similar period of time. But the member for Warringah asked me what some of this money has been spent on so far, and it gives me the opportunity to outline what some of the money has been spent on. I will first go to the important scoping works—
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