House debates

Monday, 22 November 2010

Statements by Members

Miss Truong Thi Lan Anh

1:45 pm

Photo of Greg HuntGreg Hunt (Flinders, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Environment and Heritage) Share this | Hansard source

I wish to raise the case of Truong Thi Lan Anh, better known as Annie. She is an eight-year-old Vietnamese girl. Her condition was brought to my attention by my great friend Eric Noel. She is a beautiful young girl from Vietnam—no Australian is at fault here. She has a very serious craniofacial cleft with encephaloceles. It is a terminal condition which is nevertheless treatable. She has approximately a year in which to get her treatment. Mr Anthony Holmes, a senior surgeon at the Royal Children’s Hospital, will be doing the surgery. He was intimately involved, along with many other magnificent surgeons, in the separation of the twins Krishna and Trishna. I would urge any members of this House or the community to contribute. Approximately $60,000 has been raised, I am advised, and a further $40,000 has to be raised. I will be approaching the Minister for Health and Ageing to seek her assistance. This girl is not an Australian citizen; the government has no duty here. I will also be approaching citizens and placing contact details for donations on the website. To any member of the public listening, $10, $15 or $20 will help reach the goal and help this beautiful young girl. It is an important thing that we can do and I commend Annie’s case to the House.


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