House debates

Monday, 21 February 2011

Private Members’ Business

Murray-Darling Basin

Debate resumed, on motion by Ms Rishworth:

That this House:

notes that:
support for a solution to return the Murray-Darling river system to health is widespread across Australia;
a poll by the Australian Conservation Foundation found that 77 per cent of Australians agree that environmental degradation in the Murray-Darling Basin must be reversed;
the Government is working towards an effective strategy for the integrated and sustainable management of water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin; and
this strategy includes purchasing water for increased environmental flows, setting sustainable diversion limits on the quantity of water removed from the Basin, managing water quality and investing in water-saving infrastructure; and
recognises that the Government:
has already began the task of returning the Murray-Darling river system to health through the Water for the Future plan;
is working towards ensuring the long term viability of this river system for all those who rely on its precious water resources; and
will continue to consult openly with all stakeholders in the Murray-Darling Basin.


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