House debates

Monday, 21 February 2011

Private Members’ Business

Coptic Orthodox Community of Egypt

Debate resumed on motion byMs Vamvakinou:

That this House:

condemns the New Year’s Day attack on the Al-Qiddissin Church, the Church of the Two Saints, in Alexandria, Egypt;
acknowledges the historical role of the Coptic Orthodox community of Egypt;
expresses its condolences to all victims of violence and terrorism;
reaffirms the Australian Government’s call for fundamental political reform in Egypt and the protection of the rights of all Egyptian citizens; and
the contributions made by the Coptic Orthodox community of Australia under the leadership of His Grace Bishop Suriel of the Coptic Orthodox Church Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions;
the value and role of interfaith dialogue in building a diverse and harmonious society; and
the value of democratic rights and the right to freedom of religion and culture.


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