House debates
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Statements by Members
Gilmore Electorate: Roads
1:57 pm
Joanna Gash (Gilmore, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
One of the principles underpinning our system of government is the rule of the majority decision. More and more I am seeing instances where the wishes of a handful of people are allowed to stand in the way of the majority. The case in point here is the vexatious matter of the North Nowra Link Road. For years, Shoalhaven City Council have been trying to build this link road and for years they have been frustrated in their efforts by the most tenuous of arguments pushed by a handful of people.
Thousands of valuable ratepayer dollars have been wasted on green frogs and endangered orchids. And now, out of the blue, we have a mallee species that I cannot find on any threatened list. Adding insult to injury is a government prepared to ignore the wishes of the majority to garner the green vote at any cost. The rationale for lending their support to this shrill minority can only be described as dubious, and it is to the detriment of good government that Labor chose to ignore the wider community. Now that the local member is in danger of losing his seat, suddenly their tune has changed. Now it seems that the link road is okay by them, but running in the background is the spectre of federal Labor, which might now run interference in their place. The game just goes on.
This is a dishonest government by any measure. Future development in North Nowra is seriously compromised by the growing traffic congestion that remains unresolved while the conflict goes on. How can a town develop if a handful of protesters, who do not even live there, are continually heard? The need for a third bridge crossing is becoming increasingly urgent. Our local Liberal candidate Gareth Ward has unequivocally stated that under a state coalition government the link road will be built because it has to be—it will be, for the greater good. Believe me when I say that I will be holding him to that promise.
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