House debates
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Workforce Participation of People with a Disability
Report from the Main Committee
Debate resumed from 28 February, on motion by Mrs Moylan:
That this House:
- (1)
- appreciates that meaningful employment is essential to the financial security, physical and mental health and sense of identity of all individuals;
- (2)
- remains concerned with the low workforce participation rate of individuals with a disability;
- (3)
- recognises the challenges faced by people with a disability in successfully obtaining work, particularly in surmounting barriers;
- (4)
- notes that:
- (a)
- eighteen and a half per cent of all Australians suffer from a disability;
- (b)
- data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals that since 1993, workplace participation for people with a disability has steadily decreased to 53.2 per cent, compared to the continual increase of participation in those without disability to 80.6 per cent; and
- (c)
- the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Statistical Bulletin shows employment of people with a disability in the Australian Public Service has linearly dropped from a high of 5.5 per cent in 1996, to 3.1 per cent in 2010;
- (5)
- acknowledges the findings of chapters 2.4 (‘The employment experience of people with disabilities’) and 2.5.2 (‘Lack of Access to Transport’) of the National Disability Strategy Consultation Report, Shut Out, that:
- (a)
- there are still widespread misconceptions and stereotypes influencing the attitudes and behaviour of employers, recruiters and government;
- (b)
- there is considerable misunderstanding in the community and overestimation about the cost of workplace adjustments for people with a disability;
- (c)
- there is confusion about the impact of occupational health and safety requirements on people with a disability;
- (d)
- inflexibility of the Disability Support Pension acts as a disincentive to employment and the loss of healthcare benefits is a particular disadvantage; and
- (e)
- without access to transport, participation in critical activities such as education, employment and healthcare is difficult, if not impossible; and
- (6)
- calls on the Government to provide leadership and improve participation rates of people with a disability.
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