House debates

Monday, 23 May 2011

Private Members' Business

50th Anniversary of Amnesty International

Debate resumed on the motion by Mr Oakeshott:

That this House:

(1) notes that 28 May 2011 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Amnesty International, a global movement of over three million supporters dedicated to defending and protecting human rights;

(2) recognises the important role Amnesty International continues to play in promoting and protecting human rights and shining a light on human rights abuses around the world;

(3) acknowledges the many achievements of Amnesty International, including its:

(a) integral role in the development, promotion and ultimate adoption of the United Nations Convention Against Torture in 1975, it being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 and the Sydney Peace Prize in 2006; and

(b) successful campaigning for the release of thousands of political prisoners around the world; and

(4) notes that from 1961 till the end of 2010 the organisation:

(a) conducted at least 3,341 missions to research human rights abuses around the world;

(b) produced and published an estimated 17,093 reports and public documents including the annual human rights report which is now produced in 25 languages; and

(c) issued over 31,000 urgent actions for individuals at risk.


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