House debates

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Questions without Notice

Carbon Pricing

2:20 pm

Photo of Julia GillardJulia Gillard (Lalor, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I believe that we are confident and creative people. We are very fond of our New Zealand friends, but we are up to doing the same measures that they have done to deal with climate change and that means pricing carbon. I do not want to see our nation stand idle while the world passes us by and deals with a clean energy future. I certainly do not want to see New Zealand get in front of us, which is why we need to move to price carbon. Pricing carbon will accelerate our embrace of a clean energy future. What will that mean? On the weekend, I had the opportunity with the relevant minister, Minister Ferguson, to see what that would mean in the electorate of Newcastle and beyond. We saw, for example, the solar thermal technology at the CSIRO in Newcastle using the power of the sun to generate the energy we need for the future. The government were very pleased and very proud to be able to announce that we will support major solar developments in Queensland near Chinchilla and in New South Wales in Moree, new solar developments that will get us the clean energy of the future. Pricing carbon is all about accelerating these clean energy developments.

It ultimately comes down to a choice. It is a choice that needs to be made by leaders on behalf of the nation, the kind of policy choice that leaders need to confront. Do you believe climate change is real? I do, and the Leader of the Opposition does not. Do you believe that we need to cut carbon pollution? I do, and the Leader of the Opposition does not. Do you believe we should do that in the most efficient way that we can? I do, and the Leader of the Opposition does not. Do you believe that big polluters should bear the price? I do, and the Leader of the Opposition does not. Do you believe we should assist Australian families? I do, and the Leader of the Opposition does not.

Opposition members interjecting

The Leader of the Opposition stands for taking money from Australian families and giving it to big polluters. That is the difference.

Opposition members interjecting


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