House debates
Monday, 22 August 2011
National School Chaplaincy Program
Debate resumed on the motion by Mr Champion:
That this House:
(1) notes:
(a) the positive impact compulsory and voluntary income management is having on the wellbeing of families and children in Perth and the Kimberley in Western Australia;
(b) an independent evaluation of compulsory and voluntary income management in Western Australia showed that participants believed it had made a positive impact on their lives;
(c) that a non discriminatory income management system linked to the child protection system and school attendance has been rolled out in the Northern Territory to help children who are being neglected or are at risk of neglect;
(d) that more than 1 , 700 people have moved off income management across the Northern Territory because they have found jobs and apprenticeships or improved their parenting skills; and
(e) that income management produces positive life impacts for individuals acquiring new skills through training and getting jobs; and
(2) calls for this initiative to be trialled in other communities to help those families and individuals receiving welfare payments who are:
(a) identified as high risk by Centrelink social workers;
(b) recommended by child protection workers; and
(c) or who volunteer to participate to improve their ability to manage and save money and provide the essentials of life for their children.
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