House debates

Monday, 19 September 2011

Private Members' Business

Surf Lifesavers

Debate resumed on the motion by Mr Lyons.

That this House:

(1) acknowledges the:

(a) surf lifesavers who risked their lives to perform approximately 11 000 rescues in Australia last year; and

(b) work done by surf lifesavers in northern Australia as its surf season comes to an end;

(2) recognises the:

(a) importance of water safety in Australia as we head into the warmer months in the southern parts of Australia; and

(b) vital work of Surf Life Saving Australia and its efforts in patrolling our beaches and educating swimmers; and

(3) encourages all:

(a) Australians to learn to swim so that every Australian is a swimmer and every Australian swimmer a lifesaver;

(b) users of aquatic environments, such as pools, rivers, lakes and the surf, to understand those environments and be safe as they swim.


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