House debates

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Parliamentary Service Amendment (Parliamentary Budget Officer) Bill 2011; Consideration in Detail

9:40 pm

Photo of Andrew RobbAndrew Robb (Goldstein, Liberal Party, Chairman of the Coalition Policy Development Committee) Share this | Hansard source

They are scurrying out again. We have an opportunity, hopefully, in whatever period we have, for the first time tonight to get an answer to a question. The member for Forde made a very astute observation. The whole point of this debate, the whole point of this legislation, the whole point of the amendments—the whole reason we put up this proposition some years ago—was to ensure that there be some independent authority which would, with honesty, openness and transparency, consider and cost the policies of both sides of politics.

We have been unable to get any answers out of the parliamentary secretary opposite. So I would like to ask some more questions. Perhaps I will ask some easy questions to start with to get him into the mood of answering questions. Parliamentary Secretary, the first question I would like you to answer is: what does a 26 per cent primary vote mean for a parliamentary leader? You might be able to get yourself warmed up—


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