House debates

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Parliamentary Service Amendment (Parliamentary Budget Officer) Bill 2011; Consideration in Detail

10:58 pm

Photo of Andrew RobbAndrew Robb (Goldstein, Liberal Party, Chairman of the Coalition Policy Development Committee) Share this | Hansard source

The whole purpose of this bill is that there be an independent authority which does the costings for both sides of politics in an election period. We want to see honest and open and transparent policy calculations during an election period. There are many questions which these particular amendments raise. We have already asked five or six quite deliberate questions. The parliamentary secretary was silenced by the Manager of Government Business last night. The parliamentary secretary through many hours of debate has been mute, except for his snide remarks to his colleagues, because he has been silenced by the Manager of Government Business.

We need to know with regard to these provisions, whether the government's policies will be costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office during the caretaker period. That is question number 8 that the parliamentary secretary has yet to answer. Will they?

Mr Bradbury interjecting

You are here to provide answers to questions. That is the nature of this session.


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