House debates
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Statements by Members
Western Suburbs District Junior Rugby League
1:57 pm
Russell Matheson (Macarthur, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
On Saturday, 29 October I had the pleasure of attending the Western Suburbs District Junior Rugby League presentation night. Today I would like to honour all of the players involved, especially those who were nominated for best and fairest awards, the winners for each district and the best and fairest for each age and division. These players have displayed great leadership, fairness and team spirit throughout the season. Those who were nominated for these awards should be very proud of this achievement. These players have been recognised for setting a great example for their peers and conducting themselves in a sportsmanlike manner.
I would like to honour Graham 'Poppy' Powell, who was made a life member of the Western Suburbs District Junior Rugby League, along with Mr Pat Mathews, who was named club man of the year. Both these men have been involved in junior rugby league in Macarthur for many years and have had a huge influence on the young players in our region. I would like to pay tribute to their longstanding devotion of time and effort to the club, players and parents.
I would also like to honour three very special ladies who have clocked up over 70 years of volunteering for the Western Suburbs District Junior Rugby League between them. Denise Smith from Valley United has been involved in junior rugby league for the past 40 years and Carol and Lindsey Holmes from Ashcroft have together given 35 years of service to this great sport. These three amazing ladies have a lifetime of experience managing clubs and teams as well as training, mentoring and supporting players and their families.
They have all been nominated for the Liverpool City Council volunteer of the year awards. I wish them all the very best in the future. Volunteers are the backbone of the Macarthur community. I am very proud of the strong spirit of volunteering that exists in my electorate. I pay tribute to these people who give up so much of their time to contribute to their community.
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