House debates
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Questions without Notice
2:13 pm
Harry Jenkins (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition will resume her seat. The member for Denison will resume his seat as well. He is pre-empting and reading my mind but I think he has gone down a different lane to where I am going. I am pleased that some people are paying enough attention to know that they can try to make sure that they are not missed out; I understand that with the member for Denison. I simply say that the way the Leader of the House characterised events has some element of truth. The Leader of the Opposition assumed that I would give indulgence, and he took indulgence. But I will remember that he assumed I would give indulgence, and that is not necessarily going to be the case. I have got sufficient memory that I remember things, and he understands that as well, and the way this place works, so he should be very careful. But I would just urge members in general to contain their enthusiasm today. I am not sure whether there is something in the air conditioning, but there is something going on here that is not healthy.
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