House debates

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Suspension of Standing and Sessional Orders

2:47 pm

Photo of Tony AbbottTony Abbott (Warringah, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

I move:

That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the Leader of the Opposition moving immediately—That this House calls on the Prime Minister to speak immediately for up to 15 minutes to explain the following:

(1) what the Prime Minister meant when she said that a "line had been crossed" after months of expressing full confidence in the Member for Dobell;

(2) what the Prime Minister meant when she said she was "disgusted" by an unnamed MP who had worked for an unnamed union;

(3) what the Prime Minister means when she says that the Member for Dobell is entitled to a presumption of innocence even though she’s excluded him from the Caucus; and

(4) whether the Prime Minister has confidence in the Fair Work Australia findings or in the statement to this Parliament by the Member for Dobell given that they can’t both be right.

A Labor member of parliament has been found to have misused $500,000 of union members' money—


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