House debates

Tuesday, 21 August 2012


Flinders Electorate: Phillip Island

10:20 pm

Photo of Greg HuntGreg Hunt (Flinders, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Environment and Heritage) Share this | Hansard source

I want to talk to the House on behalf of the people of Phillip Island in relation to four issues—two negative and two positive. In terms of the mistreatment of Phillip Islanders, there are two things that stand out. The first is that the 673 veterans of the Bass Coast Shire, who include amongst their numbers 194 war widows, had been poorly treated by the federal government. I do not think there is any other way of describing it, and I wish it were other than thus. But I have been contacted by Rod Gallagher, whom I know from the Bass Coast Veterans and Dependence Welfare Centre. He has informed me of a very worrying funding cut to the service.

The advice I have from Mr Gallagher is this: the service will be forced to close its doors, for good, in December, due to the rejection of its funding application under the Commonwealth's Building Excellence in Support and Training Program. This is known as the BEST program. The centre has relied on the funding under the BEST program for much of its last 14 years. This particular news is a terrible blow and is likely to be fatal to the Bass Coast Veterans and Dependence Welfare Centre—not good enough, Prime Minister, not acceptable, Minister for Veterans' Affairs. This is poor treatment of people who have served our country. It is not as though numbers have dwindled, with a total of 673 in the veterans' community, including the 194 war widows. It is simply an insult to those who have served out country to be denying them the service that they need, particularly as that community ages.

The National Vietnam Veterans Museum is on Philip Island. It is an attraction to people associated with the veterans' community, and what we are seeing is that their memory, their work their service, has been shamelessly dishonoured.

So I would say this, because I am informed that there are no formal grounds for appeal. Firstly, minister, a properly funded office is vital to serve the needs of this critical and vulnerable group. Secondly, I have written to the Minister for Veterans' Affairs seeking an urgent personal review of this decision, even though the formal grounds are not there. It is simply not acceptable, and we will continue to campaign until the funding is reinstated.

This brings me to the issue of the health hub, the second negative issue. We all know that Warley Hospital was allowed to fail under the current government after having been given support under the previous government. A positive community proposal in terms of the health hub was put forward through Bass Coast community care. It is, in my view, an outstanding proposal. We, as an opposition, have offered funds if elected. But most significantly the government had a fully supported proposal which had state support, local support and community support and for which positive reviews had been given from within the health ministry. It has been knocked back by the Minister for Health. Again, that is unacceptable. I am going to write to the health minister to seek a review of this decision. We simply cannot have the federal government turning its back on Phillip Island.

Fortunately, the spirit on the island is strong. One of the most positive things is the community response to the tragedy faced by Beau Vernon. Beau was a Bass Coast community footballer. He was tragically injured two months ago in a local football match. He is now a quadriplegic, I am sorry to say. To date the community has organised two fundraisers in support of Beau and his family. Last Sunday was a community bring-and-buy auction held at the Phillip Island Adventure Resort. And next Monday, 27 August, there will be a sportsmen's night and auction at the San Remo Recreation Centre. All 450 tickets have been sold. Thirteen local businesses have contributed $1,000. Local organisations such as Lions and Rotary are making donations. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, her boyfriend, have given support. So it is true community spirit in action, and I would commend everybody so far and urge additional support for Beau going forwards.

This brings me to the final positive development. It was a real thrill for me and my family to help in the opening of the extension of Pannys Amazing World of Chocolate. For my three-year-old and seven-year-old I think it was the highlight of my parliamentary career. Thank you to Panny. Congratulations to you and your family. (Time expired)


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