House debates

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Questions without Notice

Australian Defence Force Cadets

3:04 pm

Photo of Julia GillardJulia Gillard (Lalor, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you very much, Madam Deputy Speaker. I am very happy to answer the member's question. I think it is very important some facts are put on the table in relation to this. In that regard, I would refer the member to a press release from the relevant Parliamentary Secretary for Defence that lays it out in some detail. But to give the member some of the detail contained in that release that I think is important to understand in this issue: recent data shows that our Defence Force Cadets program has increased by over 1,000 cadets. Claims that the Australian Army Cadet supervision is being cut by 30 per cent are untrue. Claims that Navy and Air Force Cadet units will be amalgamated and may be closed due to sweeping or widespread budget cuts are also untrue.

Experience shows that, from time to time, cadet units close. That happens as a result of cadets, volunteers or community support in a particular area. Experience also shows that new cadet units emerge because of community support and cadet interest, and indeed I have seen that in my own electorate—an organisation starting to run cadets that did not used to do so. So there is some change over time.

I would refer the member to all of the details that this release outlines in relation to ADF Cadets, and I want to assure him that the government is planning for an enhanced future for the Australian Defence Force Cadets, not a reduced one. We understand the importance of the cadets to the Australian cadets to the Australian community. We understand the importance of the cadets to the Australian psyche and we understand their importance to generating the next great generation of future leaders.


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