House debates
Monday, 29 October 2012
Statements by Members
Government Spending
1:51 pm
Craig Kelly (Hughes, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
Last month, my electoral office received the most beautiful glossy colour brochure printed on the most high-quality A3 paper—all at the taxpayers' expense—of the human anatomy from this government's Department of Health and Ageing. As I was just about to pin it in up in the reception area of the Hughes electorate so that my constituents could view it, I looked at the brochure closely and I found that according to this Labor government the oesophagus runs directly into the lungs. A third lung then drains into the stomach. The intestines then drain into the bladder, which is wrongly located on top of the uterus. According to the Australian government, Australian women have sprouted an extra pancreas, cunningly disguised as an extra kidney. The kidneys have shrunk and have taken up home where the ovaries are meant to be located. Thankfully, this error was picked up. But unfortunately it cost the taxpayers several thousand dollars, as all these beautiful glossy colour brochures were pulped. This farce and debacle shows that not only has this government a complete lack of understanding of the human anatomy but a lack of understanding of how to run a trillion-dollar economy.
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