House debates
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Government Response
2:58 pm
Ms Anna Burke (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source
For the information of honourable members I present a schedule of outstanding government responses to the reports of House of Representatives and joint committee incorporating reports tabled and details of government responses made in the period between 28 November 2012, the date of the last of the schedules, and 26 June 2013. Copies of the schedules are being made available to honourable members and will be incorporated into Hansard.
The schedule read as follows—
Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Affairs (House, Standing)
Everybody's Business: Remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Stores
The government response is being considered.
Our land, our languages: Language learning in Indigenous communities
The government response was tabled on 6 June 2013.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (House, Standing)
Seeing the forest through the trees: inquiry into the future of the Australian Forestry Industry
The government response was tabled on 19 June 2013.
Netting the benefits: Inquiry into the role of science for the future of fisheries and aquaculture
The government response is being considered.
Australia's Immigration Detention Network (Joint, Select)
The government response was tabled on 29 November 2012.
Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (House, Standing)
Community Television: Options for digital broadcasting
The government response is being considered.
Report: Tuning in to community broadcasting
The government response is being considered.
Corporations and Financial Services (Joint, Statutory)
Better shareholders - better company - Shareholder engagement and participation in Australia
The government does not intend to respond to the report because of the time elapsed since the report was tabled.
Aspects of agribusiness managed investment schemes
The government response is being considered.
Access for small and medium business to finance
The government response is being considered.
Report on the 2010-11 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act
The government response is being considered.
Collapse of Trio Capital—Final Report
The government response was presented out of sitting in the Senate on 26 April 2013 and tabled in the House of Representatives on 14 May 2013.
Statutory oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
There are no recommendations contained in the report.
Economics (House, Standing)
Inquiry into raising the productivity growth rate in the Australian economy
The government response is being considered.
Inquiry into Indigenous economic development in Queensland and review of the Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2010
The government response is being considered.
Report on the Exposure draft of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Bill
The government response was given during the debate on the bill.
Education and Training (House, Standing)
Adolescent Overload? Report of the inquiry into combining school and work: supporting successful youth transitions
The government response is being considered.
Education and Employment (House, Standing)
Work wanted: Mental health and workforce participation
The government response was tabled on 5 February 2013.
Workplace Bullying: We just want it to stop
The government response was tabled on 12 February 2013.
Electoral Matters (Joint Standing)
Inquiry into the implications of the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment (Automatic Enrolment) Act 2009 (NSW) for the conduct of Commonwealth elections
The government response is being considered.
Report on the conduct of the 2010 Federal Election and matters related thereto
The government response is being considered
Report on funding of political parties and election campaigns
The government response is being considered.
Review of the AEC analysis of the FWA report on the HSU
The government response is being considered.
Employment and Workplace Relations and Workforce Participation (House, Standing)
Making it work: Inquiry into independent contracting and labour hire arrangements
The government response is being considered.
Employment a nd Workplace Relations (House, Standing)
Making it Fair: pay equity and associated issues related to increasing female participation in the workforce
The government response was tabled on 3 June 2013.
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (Joint, Standing)
Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relations with Asia, the Pacific and Latin America
The government response was presented out of sitting on 20 December 2012 and tabled on 5 February 2013.
More than just talk: Australia's human rights dialogues with China and Vietnam
The government response was tabled on 20 June 2013.
Review of the Defence annual report 2010–2011
The government response was tabled on 14 February 2013.
Australia's overseas representations—Punching below our weight?
The government response was tabled on 3 June 2013.
Gambling Reform (Joint, Standing)
The prevention and treatment of problem gambling
The government response was presented out of sitting on 9 May 2013 and tabled on 14 May 2013.
Health and Ageing (House, Standing)
Weighing it up: Obesity in Australia
The government response was tabled 14 May 2013.
Regional health issues jointly affecting Australia and the South Pacific: Delegation Report
The government response is being considered.
Before it's too late: Report on early intervention programs aimed at preventing youth suicide
The government response is being considered.
Lost in the labyrinth: Report on the inquiry into registration processes and support for overseas trained doctors
The government response is being considered.
Discussion paper on the late effects of polio-post-polio syndrome
The government response is being considered.
Industry, Science and Innovation (House, Standing)
Seasonal forecasting in Australia
The government response was tabled on 24 June 2013.
Infrastructure and Communications (House, Standing)
Finding the right balance: Cabin crew ratios on Australian aircraft
The government response is being considered.
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government (House, Standing)
Rebuilding Australia's coastal shipping industry: Inquiry into coastal shipping policy and regulation
The government responded with the suite of shipping reform laws passed by the Parliament on 18 June 2012.
Law Enforcement (Joint)
Inquiry into Commonwealth unexplained wealth legislation and arrangements—Report March 2012
The government response was presented out of sitting on 21 February 2013 and tabled on 12 March 2013.
Migration (Joint, Standing)
Immigration detention in Australia: A new beginning—Criteria for release from detention
The government response is being considered.
Immigration detention in Australia—Community-based alternatives to detention
The government response is being considered.
Immigration detention in Australia: Facilities, services and transparency
The government response is being considered.
National Capital and External Territories (Joint, Standing)
Etched in stone? Inquiry into the administration of the National Memorials Ordinance 1928
The government response is being considered.
Petitions (House, Standing)
Electronic Petitioning to the House of Representatives
The government response is being considered.
Procedure (House, Standing)
Motion to suspend standing orders and condemn a Member: Report on events of 10 October 2006
The government response was tabled on 4 June 2013.
Building a modern committee system: An inquiry into the effectiveness of the House Committee system
The government response is being considered.
Monitoring and review of procedural changes implemented in the 43rd Parliament: 4th Report
The government response is being considered.
Public Accounts and Audit (Joint, Statutory)
Report 423: Review of Auditor-General's reports Nos 39 (2009-10) to 15 (2010-11)
The government response is being considered.
Report 430: Review of Auditor-General's reports Nos 47 (2010-11) to 9 (2011-12) and reports Nos 10 to 23 (2011-12)
The government response was given by Executive Minute.
Report 431: Review of Auditor-General's reports Nos 24 to 32 (2011-12)
The government response was given by Executive Minute.
Report 434: Annual public hearing with the Commission of Taxation 2012
The government response is being considered.
Public Works (Joint Standing)
Public works on Christmas Island
The government response is being considered.
Referrals made May to September 2012
The expediency motion for the approval of works has been agreed by the Parliament.
Regional Australia (House, Standing)
Report into certain matters relating to the proposed Murray-Darling Basin Plan
The government response was tabled on 3 June 2013.
Treaties (Joint Standing)
Report 130—Treaty tabled on 14 August 2012
The government response is being considered.
Report 131—Treaties tabled on 21 August, 11 and 18 September 2012
The government response was tabled on 16 May 2013.
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