House debates

Monday, 1 September 2014


Minerals Resource Rent Tax Repeal and Other Measures Bill 2014; Consideration in Detail

1:29 pm

Photo of Chris BowenChris Bowen (McMahon, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

What a farce we have seen today in relation to this legislation. We had the parliamentary secretary move a second reading and forget to, or perhaps on instruction from the Leader of the House, read the second reading speech—which, as we have traversed, has some force of law; and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance read out the second reading speech without the force of law, trying to clean up the mess. These calamity kids over there—we see we have the adults in charge—now say, 'We know what's in this bill.' Some on that side of the House might know what is in the bill; the vast majority of the people who just spoke and who just voted do not know what is in the bill. Certainly, on this side of the House, we have had the opportunity for a very brief look at the bill and it is confirmed that the government is proceeding with abolishing the schoolkids bonus. It is confirmed that the government is proceeding with winding back the instant asset write-off and the loss carryback. It is confirmed that the superannuation guarantee is deferred. And it is confirmed that the low-income superannuation contribution is delayed. But there are changes.

The Treasurer is seeking the right by legislative fiat to change the superannuation guarantee without reference to the parliament. If you think we are going to cop that, you have got another thing coming. This government, who does not believe in superannuation, with a Prime Minister who calls compulsory superannuation a 'con job', now wants to remove the ability of the parliament to vote on legislation relating to the superannuation guarantee. This has been an appalling process and the House should not be treated with such contempt. Accordingly, I move:

That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the honourable member for McMahon from moving the following motion forthwith—That the debate be adjourned until the next sitting day to provide members with an opportunity to examine the legislation.


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