House debates

Tuesday, 30 May 2017


Social Services Legislation Amendment (Energy Assistance Payment and Pensioner Concession Card) Bill 2017; Second Reading

6:07 pm

Photo of Julian HillJulian Hill (Bruce, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I would remind the honourable member who we have just listened to that he is, in fact, in the government. He has been in the government for the last four years, so perhaps he has more opportunity than us to do something about the issues that he is raising. Anyway, for those of us who listen to his speeches day in and day out, it is, in fact, the same speech, but perhaps with a different lens. I was sitting here chatting to the whips office outside thinking there is a cruel form of karma in that every time I have been on chamber duty the last few weeks and for just about every piece of legislation that I have spoken on the member for Hughes has proceeded me. If I was someone who had found a way to believe in—


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