House debates
Monday, 23 October 2017
Statements by Members
Werriwa Electorate: Carers
4:12 pm
Anne Stanley (Werriwa, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source
Last week this parliament celebrated carers and our appreciation for the work carers do every day in our communities. There are 2.7 million unpaid carers in Australia today, putting in 36 million hours of care and support every week and saving the Australian economy at least $60.3 billion. On Friday I was pleased to attend an afternoon tea to thank some of the carers in my electorate. I would like to thank Christine O'Neill and Anthony Coniglio from Northcott Casula for generously organising the event. Northcott is a not-for-profit disability service that works with its customers to realise their potential. It was established in 1929. It was wonderful to be treated to presentations from several of the customers, who explained what they have been doing at the centre recently. They have diverse programs, such as men's and women's groups and first aid, and varied work skill options such as getting a drivers licence or learning to navigate the public transport system. I also spoke to the carers about their hopes for their children and their experiences with the NDIS.
At this event I launched the Werriwa Disability Services Directory. The first edition is a reference for those looking for services for themselves or for loved ones in Werriwa. The booklet will be revised periodically, and if anybody else would like to be involved, please contact my office. I thank the member for Blair for his inspiration for the directory. Thank you to Cameron, Ben, Emma, Susu, David and Christine for your hospitality.
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