House debates

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Questions without Notice

Income Tax

2:41 pm

Photo of Malcolm TurnbullMalcolm Turnbull (Wentworth, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

would pay $1,800 more tax under Labor; a coalminer working for BHP would be paying $4,061 more tax; and a South Australian police superintendent would be paying $6,204 more tax under Labor. The honourable member asked about nurses. A school nurse in Victoria would be paying $2,840 more tax under Labor. That is the difference: Labor has abandoned hardworking middle Australia. It seeks to describe people with the occupations I've mentioned as 'the top end of town' or 'millionaires'. These are the hardworking Australians who are aspiring to get ahead; and, over time, Labor wants them to move into higher and higher tax brackets so that more of the money they earn through their hard work will go to the government. But we respect their aspiration. We're not mystified by it. We want those hardworking families to get ahead and keep more of the money they earn.


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