House debates
Tuesday, 4 February 2020
Education (Question No. 230)
Rebekha Sharkie (Mayo, Centre Alliance) Share this | Hansard source
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Families and Social Services in writing on 24 October 2019:
(1) When was the last time the Government undertook a non-administrative review of the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) payments.(2) Will the Government conduct a review of AIC payments; if so, when; if not, why not.(3) Has the Government considered different AIC payment rates for geographically isolated children as compared to non-geographically isolated children; if so, what was the result of that consideration; if not, why not.(4) Why are AIC payments currently indexed to the consumer price index rather than the education sub-index.(5) Broken down by state and territory, how many geographically isolated students are enrolled in an early years' program via distance education in their pre-school education year prior to compulsory schooling.(6) Has the Government considered allowing access to AIC payments for parents of children undertaking an early years' program via distance education prior to compulsory schooling; if so, what was the result of that consideration; if not, why not.(7) In respect of Senate general business notice of motion no. 200 ( Journals of the Senate , 17 October 2019, page 715), will the Government implement a rural hardship education fund or grants program linked to disasters such as drought, bushfire and flood to assist rural and remote students continue their education unchanged; if so, can details be provided; if not, why not.
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