House debates
Monday, 19 October 2020
Statements by Members
4:10 pm
Angie Bell (Moncrieff, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source
When most Australians think of the Gold Coast they think of tourism. Gold Coasters are acutely aware of the role played by our $5 billion tourism industry but are also aware of the role played by construction, health, education and small business when it comes to the economy and to jobs. Many, however, may not be aware that manufacturing is one of our key economic pillars on the Gold Coast. It contributes an astounding $7 billion and 14,000 direct jobs to our local economy.
Just over a week ago I joined the PM, the member for McPherson, the state leader of the LNP, Deb Frecklington, the member for Currumbin, Laura Gerber, and the LNP candidate for Gaven, Kirsten Jackson, on a visit to local manufacturers. Each business told their story and spoke about the number of employees in each business, and hearing about how many apprentices or trainees they were skilling was indeed a highlight. Each job comes with a beaming, smiling face and a bright future, and watching them beam with pride at their achievements while they spoke with the PM underscored to me the vital importance of protecting and creating jobs. Each person has a special story and provides inspiration to others.
The Morrison government's modern manufacturing strategy, architected by Minister Andrews, will see many more Gold Coasters with a bright future and a big beaming smile. My priority for Moncrieff is jobs, and many of them will be in manufacturing.
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