House debates
Monday, 19 October 2020
Questions without Notice
Child Care
2:07 pm
Scott Morrison (Cook, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source
Thank you, Mr Speaker. Under the tax plan that was supported by the Australian people at the last election, which was legislated in this parliament—with much back and forth from the opposition, who were for it and against it and for it and against it—Australians know they can trust the government when it comes to managing the economy. They know they can trust the government. They know that, when we say we want to ensure people keep more of what they earn, we will follow through on that. We legislated that here in this parliament, and Australians know that for every extra dollar they earn they'll get taxed less on it by our government than they would by the Labor Party. That's what they can have confidence about—the more effort they put in the more they'll be able to succeed.
Ms Coker interjecting—
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