House debates
Monday, 19 October 2020
Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit; Report
10:16 am
Lucy Wicks (Robertson, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
On behalf of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit I present Report 482, Review of the operations of the Parliamentary Budget Office 2019-20, together with Executive Minutes on reports Nos 476, 479 and 480. One of the key functions of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit is to provide oversight of the Parliamentary Budget Office. The committee's report on the review of PBO operations is presented to the parliament under section 64S and 64T of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999. The purpose of the committee's inquiry was to report on possible areas of reform to support the effective operations of the PBO, the PBO's implementation of recommendations of past reviews and stakeholder relationships and engagement. The committee concluded that the PBO is fulfilling its legislative mandate and is held in high regard by stakeholders.
The PBO continues to inform the parliament by providing independent and nonpartisan analysis of the budget cycle, fiscal policy and the financial implications of proposals. At the time of the committee's inquiry and since the start of 2016-17 the JCPAA heard that the PBO has completed more than 6,460 policy costings for parliamentarians with a median response time of 13 days; published more than 25 reports to inform the parliament and the public about fiscal policy and the budget, all of which were reported in major media outlets; published the 2019 post-election report of election commitments, with new features including medium-term costing minutes and searchable online costings; and received formal and informal feedback from parliamentarians, government agencies and other stakeholders that its work is valued and its interactions are professional.
To support the continuing effective operation of the PBO, the committee has recommended that the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 be amended to provide for an automatic referral process for independent review of the PBO after a general election. This significant reform will enable the committee to monitor PBO implementation of review recommendations over the life of the parliament and to serve to further reinforce the independence of the PBO.
During the inquiry, the PBO provided the committee with a comprehensive update on its implementation of the recommendations of past reviews. The committee notes that the PBO has sought to address all of these recommendations and is working to improve further in each of the broad areas identified.
I would like to thank the PBO and other agencies and individuals who participated in this inquiry. I would like to thank the deputy chair and all members of the committee for their cooperation in producing this report. I commend the report to the House.
Report made a parliamentary paper in accordance with standing order 39(e).
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