House debates
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Statements by Members
Wentworth Electorate: Schools
1:31 pm
Dave Sharma (Wentworth, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
With no cases of community transmission of COVID-19 in New south Wales over the last few weeks, I was delighted to be able to visit several local primary schools in my electorate to congratulate graduating students and to view some of the completed grant projects. School visits, and seeing the positive impacts made by projects completed from government grants, as well as having the opportunity to answer some of the hard questions from the children, is, as many people here would know, one of the most enjoyable parts of being a member of parliament.
St Margaret Mary's Catholic Primary School in my electorate was ecstatic about the difference the new grant-funded toilet in the kindergarten class had made to the students, who'd previously had to walk down several flights of stairs and use the sometimes intimidating older students amenities. I was pleased also to open the multimedia learning and technology space at St Charles' Catholic Primary School and the newly renovated library at Galilee Catholic Primary School. But a particular highlight of the week was attending Wairoa School in Bondi. Wairoa School caters for students with intellectual and other disabilities. It provides an outstanding caring and nurturing educational program for children with multiple disabilities often. It has a tremendous art and painting program, and whilst I was there I was lucky to see some of their works that have been inspired by Brett Whiteley's collection. The local schools grant enabled Wairoa School to purchase several LED touch screens, and I was privileged to participate in a class and see the learning enrichment and added excitement that the touch screen gave the children. I look forward to more school visits in the coming weeks.
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