House debates
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Statements by Members
Wavecare Inc.
1:54 pm
Gladys Liu (Chisholm, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
I would like to take a moment to talk about an invaluable organisation based in Glen Waverley. I had the pleasure of recently attending the AGM of Wavecare Counselling and following up with a visit to meet their team last week. I spoke with Raymond Paterson, the CEO of Wavecare Counselling, and Denis Carruthers, Wavecare's chair. Both of them shared with me the incredible work they do in our community.
The year 2020 has put an enormous strain on the mental wellbeing of many people. It comforts me to know that organisations like Wavecare are there to help. The social isolation experienced during extended quarantine was a new and terrifying reality for many. For some people, the feelings of anxiety and depression were amplified. It has only been through the dedication, unrelenting hard work, care and patience of Raymond, Denis and their team that many people in Chisholm have been led back to the path of recovery and mental wellbeing. I personally want to thank the team at Wavecare for everything they contribute to Chisholm. I love Chisholm and I love organisations like Wavecare. (Time expired)
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