House debates
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Statement by the Speaker
Chief Opposition Whip
3:13 pm
Tony Smith (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source
I have a brief statement members will be interested in from the Chief Opposition Whip and member for Fowler, Chris Hayes. He's asked me to update you, if that's okay. He's been in the building during the course of the week but, obviously, not in the House. I will read his statement to you, which he wanted me to do:
'Following my collapse in the Federation Chamber, a serious medical condition has been identified and I will be undergoing heart surgery tomorrow. While I will take a little break, I look forward to returning to my duties early in the new year.
I'm indeed indebted to Dr Mike Freelander and Dr David Gillespie for their immediate medical assistance and to Tanya Plibersek for staying with me throughout this frightening ordeal. I also need to thank the parliamentary staff who organised my highly coordinated exit from the building.
I reiterate what I said three years ago about the incredible professionalism of paramedics and staff at Canberra Hospital. We are very fortunate to have people of this calibre serving in our public hospitals.
Bernadette and I appreciated the kind and comforting words of the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, and the many well wishes we've received from all sides of the House.
Finally, I wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas and pray that 2021 is a vastly better year for all.
Chris Hayes MP.'
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