House debates
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Statements by Members
Mount Gravatt Show
1:31 pm
Ross Vasta (Bonner, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
I'm very pleased to share with the House that the much-loved Mount Gravatt Show will be back for 2021, thanks to a $32,000 grant from the Morrison government. Beloved agricultural shows across Australia were cancelled last year as COVID swept across the country, leaving many show societies and field day organisers out of pocket. Thanks to this Morrison government funding, we have secured the future of a beloved Aussie tradition, with grants helping to reimburse cancellation costs and losses.
Annual shows bring our families and farmers together, building community spirit and helping to bridge the divide between city and country. Show days are uniquely Australian and provide huge economic benefits to local communities. When I spoke to Mount Gravatt Show Society secretary, Loretta Smith, she was over the moon with this federal funding support. She said that many people in the community—particularly older people who take part in the knitting and cake competitions—were so disappointed that we didn't have a show last year. She said it was a tremendous relief to get this funding so they can get on with the planning of the 2021 Mount Gravatt Show. With the commitment of insurance and other expenses, Loretta said that having to cancel the 2020 show had drained their funds and that this 2021 show would now go ahead as planned.
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