House debates
Thursday, 25 February 2021
Leave of Absence
3:18 pm
Anthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source
I'm very pleased to move:
That leave of absence from the determination of this sitting until 3 August 2021 be given to Ms Chesters for parental leave purposes.
There has been a baby boom on this side of the parliament, but the member for Bendigo is going that extra yard by being the first MP to give birth twice in one term. I think Labor governments in 18 years time will appreciate the effort of Lisa and her partner, Matt. On behalf, I'm sure, of all of the parliament, we wish all the best to Lisa and to Matt for a little boy or a little girl to join the delightful Daisy, who has brightened up this building. Lisa's due in early April. I wasn't sure, but they are happy for everyone to know that Daisy will be joined by a little brother. So we look forward to welcoming him and Lisa back after August.
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