House debates
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Constituency Statements
Corangamite Electorate: Broadband
4:24 pm
Libby Coker (Corangamite, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source
Deputy Speaker, and members in the chamber, I want to share a story with you. It is a story of frustration and anger, a story that will resonate for many in the Bellarine, the Surf Coast and across my electorate of Corangamite. It's a story that reveals just how ill-prepared this government is to deliver decent, reliable mobile reception and an NBN.
Rachel is 72 and lives alone on the Bellarine Peninsula. She's been battling in recent weeks to maintain her health and independence, but Rachel does not want to move into aged care. She relies on her mobile phone to make her medical appointments, to call a taxi and to connect with friends and family. Unfortunately, her reception is so bad that she often cannot make calls. She worries that if there is a bushfire or if she has a fall she'll be left on her own without help or support. When I spoke with Rachel at my street stall in Portarlington she was anxious and frustrated about her situation. She's not alone. Jenny, who also lives on the Bellarine, built her dream home three years ago, but the one thing she didn't count on was a woeful mobile phone reception. She found this out recently when she had to call triple 0 and couldn't get through on her mobile. When she finally did get through, and the paramedics arrived, they could not get reception either to contact the hospital. Such anxiety and stress is caused by this government's inaction.
I understand Rachel's and Jenny's fears. They are the fears and frustrations of many, and it's not good enough. The federal government should not leave so many in my electorate isolated and disconnected. So today I'm announcing my campaign to reconnect my community—a campaign to give people better reception and better connectivity. To do so, we need well-positioned towers and targeted technologies. If you live in Waurn Ponds or Grovedale, in Leopold, the Bellarine or along the Great Ocean Road, or anywhere in Corangamite, head to to fill out our petition to improve mobile reception and the NBN. Together we will fight for a better connected region.
I want to acknowledge that this government has announced fixed mobile reception upgrades 23 times in my electorate. This is a good thing, but the problem is that there are still significant NBN and mobile reception issues right across my region. This affects people's livelihoods, their jobs, their businesses, their studies, their connection to community, their health and their wellbeing. So, if you have an issue with mobile reception, sign our petition. I look forward to hearing from you.
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