House debates
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Statements by Members
Women's Economic Security
1:51 pm
Peta Murphy (Dunkley, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source
Yesterday, we saw thousands and thousands and thousands of Australian women and the good men who support them marching and rallying across this country, saying: 'Enough is enough. This government has to do more for women who are victims of domestic and family violence and sexual assault.' And we wake up this morning to an announcement from the Morrison government: 'Don't worry, ladies. We've got your back. You can use your own superannuation to help you flee domestic violence.' Your own superannuation! The response of the Morrison government to women needing to flee violent relationships is to say, 'We know you earn 42 per cent less than men in superannuation, we know that the fastest-growing cohort of homeless people is women over the age of 55, and we know that single women in retirement are more likely to live in poverty than men, but don't worry—if you need to escape a domestic violent relationship, you can draw down on your retirement savings in order to do so.' It defies belief that women who are protesting should not only be glad they're not getting shot but should also have to go into poverty to escape violence. (Time expired)
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