House debates
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Statements by Members
March 4 Justice
1:58 pm
Tanya Plibersek (Sydney, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for Education) Share this | Hansard source
by leave—I table this record of the petitions I received from yesterday's March 4 Justice, calling on government to act on violence against women. They have been signed by more than 135,000 people. Yesterday was a day of sadness and frustration for Australian women, but it was also a day of hope and enthusiasm. Hope in the passion and determination we saw at the march, in the women who refused to live with violence and harassment—women like Brittany Higgins and Saxon Mullins, who spoke so powerfully yesterday. Hope that after all these years we've finally reached a turning point.
As leaders, it's our job to listen to what these people are so desperately trying to tell us, to understand their experience and to act on it. This is a historic moment. As a federal parliament, we need to be big enough to act on it. We all hope that the Prime Minister is listening to the message that came through so strongly from the women of Australia yesterday. Enough is enough. No more violence, no more sexual harassment, no more domestic abuse, no more murders of women by the men who are supposed to love them.
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