House debates
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Questions without Notice
March 4 Justice
2:08 pm
Scott Morrison (Cook, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source
The Leader of the Opposition has engaged in, I think, a very unworthy and egregious slur in this place. When has it been a bad thing for a prime minister to proclaim the strength of democracy in our country? What issue does the Leader of the Opposition have with celebrating democracy and the right to protest? What issue could he possibly have, other than a twisted attempt to try and pervert what has been said in good faith in this place to celebrate the fact that Australians, anywhere in this country, can come and express their concerns? This demonstrates that, on this issue, the Leader of the Opposition does not act in good faith. On this issue, over many weeks now, he has simply tried to twist this issue for his own partisan advantage. He is proving himself unworthy even of the office he holds now, let alone the one he seeks to take.
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