House debates
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Questions without Notice
2:31 pm
Scott Morrison (Cook, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source
I thank the member for her question. The advice suggested by the former Solicitor-General was not advice that was tendered to me by the government. The advice that I followed and the advice that I sought came from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. I also consulted with the Commissioner of the Federal Police in handling these matters and raising these matters with the Attorney-General.
There are established processes for dealing with all members of this House, former members of this House and any Australians: they all face one rule of law. They all face one rule of law. It's important that consistent standards are applied when it comes to such sensitive issues relating to allegations of sexual assault. I quote the member for Maribyrnong when he was the subject of such allegations—
Ms Plibersek interjecting—
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