House debates

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Constituency Statements

Moore Electorate: Centenary of Anzac Memorial Arch

10:46 am

Photo of Ian GoodenoughIan Goodenough (Moore, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Eight years ago I successfully secured an $86,000 federal Anzac Centenary Grant to build an iconic memorial arch for our local community as a permanent reminder of the 100th anniversary of the Anzac landings at Gallipoli for future generations of Australians to remember. Overlooking the Ocean Reef Marina, the commanding stainless steel-and-glass structure is 12 metres wide and six metres high. The design is based on the passage of light being drawn through a portal entrance along the ceremonial east-west pathway into a circle composed of 100 elements, commemorating the 100 years of Anzac tradition and service, towards the setting sun. Each year the memorial attracts thousands of local families, who gather in the grounds of the Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club at sunrise for the annual dawn service as well as commemorations for Remembrance Day and Vietnam Veterans' Day.

Today, impending civil construction works associated with the redevelopment of the Ocean Reef Marina make it necessary to relocate our treasured Anzac memorial arch. I'm working in cooperation with the Joondalup City RSL and Development WA to secure the necessary funding to relocate our iconic Centenary of Anzac memorial arch to a prominent, suitably landscaped and more-permanent site overlooking the redeveloped Ocean Reef Marina. The new location will provide families with a special place at the heart of the newly developed marina precinct—to gather, reflect and pay their respects for many generations to come. I strongly make the case, based on merit, for federal support towards the relocation of the memorial arch to a new permanent site, and I call upon the Minister for Veterans' Affairs to favourably consider the application.

We look forward to being able to gather in person for public ceremonies once again this Anzac Day. After two years of pandemic restrictions, the Anzac spirit and tradition of courage, service and mateship remains stronger than ever, after more than a century—never more so than during the past two years, when pandemic lockdowns cancelled suburban Anzac services across Australia. Millions of Australians gathered on their driveways at dawn to remember and observe the Anzac tradition. Looking to the future, our iconic Centenary of Anzac memorial arch, located on a prominent, suitably landscaped site overlooking the redeveloped Ocean Reef Marina, will provide families with a special place in the heart of the newly developed marina precinct to gather, remember and pay their respects to our veteran community for many generations to come.


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