House debates
Tuesday, 22 November 2022
Statements by Members
Youth Voice in Parliament Week
1:45 pm
Sam Birrell (Nicholls, National Party) Share this | Hansard source
As part of the Raise Our Voice Australia initiative, I have pleasure in amplifying the voice of 17-year-old Campbell Frost in my electorate. Campbell wrote:
When looking at the prompt for this year's voices to parliament, "What should Australia's new parliament accomplish?" my initial thought was action, whether that be on climate change, income inequality or a plethora of other issues.
But as I sat there, I realised that what the 47th parliament of Australia should accomplish is simple. Unity.
Whether Left, Right, Regional or Metropolitan, the electorates that each and every individual sitting in parliament today represents, is a universal trust in the democratic process.
That the very people in both chambers will speak for the general population with integrity and candour.
So on behalf of the Australian People, I ask, find common ground. Do not let Australia become a victim of the war on bi-partisanship we've seen sweep many western democracies.
Your colleagues across the aisle are not your enemy, they're there to represent their electorate, as you do yours, don't give up an opportunity to further our nation just because you believe your job is to simply disagree with another party.
Listen, Reflect, and, Act, on what fellow members and senators have to say, with a little bit of empathy and willingness to navigate and find solutions.
Make this nation what we know it all can be, one of compassion and strength, with the same virtues represented in every Australian.
In closing, unity in this country is about more than just saying you're Australian, it's about acknowledging our differences, and working together to build something better.
Thank you so much for that Campbell. As I look at some of my friends across the aisle—the members for Spence and Cunningham particularly—I think we can find that common ground
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